Le Taotl était un culte de magie noire très élevé dans lequel le sacrificiant, celui qui découpe la victime et la tue, devenait une sorte d'initié, car la mort ouvrait une porte vers les mondes spirituels. L'"initié" pourrait alors dérober de grands secrets spirituels. Cela permettait à ces initiés de asvoir comment faire pour que la Terre soit "mécanisée" (ahrimanisée), de sorte que l'âme humaine ne puisse plus supporter l'incarnation et soit prise d'un désir irrépressible de fuir la Terre (suivre Lucifer)... tombant alors dans la huitième sphère. Les révélations qui leur étaient faites lors de ces atroces cérémonies leur disait par exemple de faire la guerre contre tel autre ethnie ou tel autre clan. Dans la guerre perpétuelle (comme dans le roman 1984, ou comme en ce moment on nous dit que "La guerre c'est la paix", nous serions donc en "mission de paix" en Irak et en Afghanistan! ;P), l'âme humaine était déchirée. Les magiciens noirs, en faisant leur rites au dessus de pionts géographiqeus précis qui sont connectés au "feu souterrai", utilisent les forces lunaires concentrées au centre de la terre (le noyau de la Terre est fait de haine incoercible et de magie noire pure) lors de ces sacrifices et ils la concentrent. Cette influence malsaine irradie ensuite partout sur le contient et même à l'auter bout du monde. Cette force augmente le sentiment de séparativité, la division entre soi et le monde.
Sorat était rejoint par cette initiation ahrimanienne du Taotl. Ce culte serait une déviation de la religion naturelle de l'Atlantide: le Tao. Le Taotl était inspiré par la Bête à Deux Cornes: Sorat, et menait à la rencontre d'une entité ahrimanienne très élevée, proche de Sorat. Sorat est composé de quater lettres hébraïques qui désignent chacun un des corps humain : Samech=physique, Vav=éthérique, Ruach=astral, Tav=ego. Sorat, c'est ce qu'ultimemement l'homme peut devenir s'il rejette absolument et jusqu'à la Fin des Temps l'impulsion christique. 666 est dit "un chiffre d'homme". L'homme prenant la place de Dieu, en somme.
Seuls des psychopathes pourraient tuer pour le plaisir. C'est le monde dans lequel on vit: un monde contrôlé par des psychopathes. Il y en a dans chaque pays et dans tous les domaines de la société. Certains tuent des gens dans leur communauté locale, d'autres envoient des armées à travers le globe pour détruire des nations entières.
Dans le culte du Taotl, les rituels menaient souvent à une révélation démoniaque aux chefs, qui conduisaient alors leurs armées à la guerre en vue de tout détruire, semer la terreur et réduire à l'esclavage les société voisines (tout ceci stimule la création du règne ahrimanient sur terre et la mécanisation de la vie, stimulant la création de la 8e sphère). Ceci se poursuit aujourd'hui, mais la révélation démoniaque vient des psychopathes aux commandes des gouvernements!
Taotl Black magic - pure evil (Satan's Fake Apocalypse website)
"Now this cosmic wisdom, which was intrinsically not evil but held holy secrets hidden within it, was carefully concealed by the initiates of Taotl. It was communicated to no one who had not been initiated correctly by the Taotl method. When a candidate had been initiated in the correct way, the teaching concerning the secrets of the cosmos was then imparted to him. NOW, IT WAS NECESSARY FOR HIM TO RECEIVE THESE SECRETS THROUGH INITIATION IN A QUITE DEFINITE MOOD OF SOUL. HE HAD TO FEEL IN HIMSELF THE INCLINATION AND DESIRE TO APPLY THEM ON EARTH IN SUCH A WAY THAT THEY WOULD SET UP THAT MECHANISTIC RIGID REALM OF DEATH. It was thus that he had to receive the secrets. Nor were they communicated except on one special condition. THE WISDOM WAS IMPARTED TO NO ONE WHO HAD NO PREVIOUSLY COMMITTED A MURDER IN A PARTICULAR MANNER. Moreover, only certain secrets were communicated to the candidate after the first murder, but further and higher secrets were imparted to him after he had committed others.
"These murders, however, had to be committed under quite definite conditions. The one to be murdered was laid out on a structure that was reached by one or two steps running along each side. This scaffold-like structure, a kind of catafalque, was rounded off above and when the victim was laid upon it, he was bent strongly back. This special way of being bound to the scaffold forced his stomach outward so that with one cut, which the initiate had been prepared to perform, it could be cut out.
"THIS KIND OF MURDER ENGENDERED DEFINITE FEELINGS IN THE INITIATE. SENSATIONS WERE AROUSED THAT MADE HIM CAPABLE OF USING THE WISDOM LATER IMPARTED TO HIM IN THE WAY THAT HAS BEEN INTIMATED ABOVE. When the stomach had been excised, it was offered to the god Taotl, again with special ceremonies. The fact that the initiates of these mysteries lived for the quite specific purpose that I have indicated to you, imparted a definite direction to their feelings. When the candidates to be initiated had matured on this path and had come to experience its inner meaning, they then learned the nature of the mutual interaction between the one who had been murdered and the one who had been initiated. THROUGH THE MURDER, THE VICTIM WAS TO BE PREPARED IN HIS SOUL TO STRIVE UPWARD TO THE LUCIFERIC REALM, WHEREAS THE CANDIDATE FOR INITIATION WAS TO OBTAIN THE WISDOM TO MOULD THIS EARTHLY WORLD IN SUCH A WAY THAT SOULS WOULD BE DRIVEN OUT OF IT. Through the fact that a connection was formed between the murdered and the initiated one cannot say "murderer," but "initiated" IT WAS MADE POSSIBLE FOR THE INITIATED TO BE TAKEN WITH THE OTHER SOUL; THAT IS, THE INITIATED COULD HIMSELF FORSAKE THE EARTH AT THE RIGHT MOMENT [a sort of "Rapture," to escape hellish machine-like society he helped to create - perhaps what Pink Floyd meant by The Machine].
"These mysteries, as you will readily admit, are of the most revolting kind. Indeed, they are only in accord with a conception that can be called ahrimanic in the fullest sense." [1]
The Nature and Goals of Black Magic
To explain the goals of black magic, it is necessary to introduce the ultimate projects of Satan (more properly known as "Ahriman") and Lucifer. This goal is an Earth ruled by Ahriman, devoid of the higher souls of humans, and an "extra" planet known as the Eighth Sphere, ruled by Lucifer, to which the souls have escaped. Ultimately, this is intended to prevent mankind from becoming what God hopes we will become. This diabolical duo cooperates with each other so intricately to achieve their separate ends that they are almost always confused with each others, and there are few if any purely Luciferian or Satanic groups.
The Beast, a.k.a. The Sun Demon
Another being known as the Beast, Sorath, and "666" (the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew spelling of "Sorath") has exerted its influence on mankind at intervals of 666 years, although there have been exceptions, such as WWII, during which the Beast played Hitler, so to speak. Anthroposophical writer Terry Boardman, in his article entitled Aspects of the Occult Significance of the Year 1998 [2], provides an excellent description of this being, which includes the following:
It is important to understand that Sorath is not Ahriman, the spiritual inspirer of modern materialism. Rudolf Steiner spoke of Sorath before Ahriman: Sorath on 27 April 1907 (GA96 untranslated) and 21 Oct 1907 (GA101 typescript Z306) (3) and Ahriman for the first time on 1 Jan 1909. SORATH STANDS BEHIND AHRIMAN AND LUCIFER AS CHRIST'S SHADOW, INSPIRING THEM.
In a lecture of 27.4.1907 (6) the power of the Lamb, the Sun Intelligence, is said to call forth life from out of the earth and works in plants, animals, and Man, whereas the opposing power, called in that lecture the Sun Demon, is said "to work in the evil forces of Man".
Rudolf Steiner indicated 1933 as the rise of the Beast. Immediately before the approach of the Etheric Christ in 1933-5, humanity would have to face the appearance of the Beast from the abyss (20.9.24 GA346). There followed 12 years of hellish destruction greater than ever before or since. These years were dominated by the FALSE SUN MOTIF [Swastika]. [2][emphasis added]
This seems to imply that Sorath is a very high-ranking being, higher than Lucifer, Ahriman, or the Asuras.
Michael Kalisch, in his introduction to a book entitled Evil (a selection of lectures by Steiner), also provides important insights into the nature of the Beast:
[T]he threefold adversarial influences [Lucifer, Ahriman, and a group of beings known as the Asuras] WILL UNITE [in what is] described as the "Beast with Two Horns," whose occult number is "666." THE EFFECT OF THIS BEING IS ONE OF HARDENING EGOTISM; NOT OF LOVING THE WORLD BUT OF SQUEEZING IT TO THE VERY LAST DROP TO GAIN AS MUCH ADVANTAGE AND ENJOYMENT FROM IT AS POSSIBLE. THAT IS ALSO THE PATH OF BLACK MAGIC WHICH IS THE ONE THIS "BEAST" WISHES TO LEAD US DOWN. [emphasis added] [3]
Who epitomizes this egotism and "squeezing," but the oligarchy? This and numerous other bits of circumstantial evidence indicate that it is among the oligarchy where one would find the highest concentration of black magicians.
[In recent times] ... polar opposite tendencies ["ice cold logic" and "passions and drives"] in the human being are melting down and becoming fused together without any mediating, central realm [the heart, the realm of Christ].... We can see ... on the one hand an intensifying, self-realizing egohood, and on the other its reverse, the intensified evil which surrounds us on all sides (and which we also create ourselves). Our increasing consciousness of self is not by itself evil; it all depends on how the ego handles the forces available to it.... We can continue to go down the road of separation ... or ... we can be begin to broaden our separated consciousness.... The first path ... will unleash forces of hatred and destruction to an increasing extent.... The beings who are active in such a conflict ... [are] called Asuras.... [They are] AN INTENSIFICATION AND PERMEATION OF THE LUCIFERIC-AHRIMANIC POLARITY. THERE IS, THEN, ALSO A TRINITY OF EVIL.... [emphasis added] [4]
The Asuras: The Beast's Third Wave
Rudolf Steiner mentioned another perspective on the Asuras in another lecture:
In certain occult teachings the hosts of Ahriman are also called the Asuras. These are of course, the evil Asuras who at a certain time fell away from the evolutionary path of the Asuras who endowed man with personality. It has already been indicated that these are spiritual Beings who detached themselves from the evolution of the earth before the separation of the sun. [5]
In the aforementioned article, Terry Boardman writes that Sorath is "related to Sura and Asura, Ahura." Considering that his effect is on the ego, and that, as Steiner relates in the following excerpt, the class of beings known as Asuras also works on the ego, there is a good case for classifying the Asuras as a yet another subsidiary of Sorath, along with Lucifer and Ahriman. The Advent of Ahriman suggests that he could be their leader, which conflicts with the above quotation from Steiner, indicating the Beast's paradoxical nature. He was at least the chronological leader of the forces which attack the ego, since he first influenced mankind in the year 666, and as indicated by the following excerpt, the Asuras had just begun their assault in Steiner's time:
And in the age now approaching, those spiritual Beings known as the Asuras (see Note 1) will creep into the consciousness soul and therewith into the human 'I' or ego for the 'I' lights up in the consciousness soul. The Asuras will generate evil with a far mightier force than was wielded by the Satanic powers in the Atlantean epoch or by the Luciferic Spirits in the Lemurian epoch....
[T]hese Asuric Spirits WILL PROMPT WHAT HAS BEEN SEIZED HOLD OF BY THEM - NAMELY THE VERY CORE OF MAN'S BEING, THE CONSCIOUSNESS SOUL TOGETHER WITH THE 'I' - TO UNITE WITH EARTHLY MATERIALITY. Fragment after fragment will be torn out of the 'I', and in the same measure in which the Asuric Spirits establish themselves in the consciousness soul, man must leave parts of his existence behind on the earth. What thus becomes the prey of the Asuric powers will be irretrievably lost. Not that the whole man need become their victim but parts of his spirit will be torn away by the Asuric powers. These Asuric powers are heralded to-day by the prevailing tendency to live wholly in the material world and to be oblivious of the realty of spiritual beings and spiritual worlds. True, the Asuric powers corrupt man to-day in a way that is more theoretical than actual. To-day they deceive him by various means into thinking that his 'I' is a product of the physical world only; they hue him to a kind of theoretic materialism. But as time goes on and the premonitory signs of this are the dissolute, sensuous passions that are becoming increasingly prevalent on earth they will blind man's vision of the spiritual Beings and spiritual Powers. Man will know nothing nor desire to know anything of a spiritual world. More and more he will not only teach that the highest moral ideals of humanity are merely sublimations of animal impulses, that human thinking is but a transformation of a faculty also possessed by the animals, that man is akin to the animal in respect of his form and moreover in his whole being descends from the animal but he will take this view in all earnestness and order his life in accordance with it.
Man does not as yet entirely base his life on the principle that his true being descends from the animal. But this view of existence will inevitably arise, with the result that men will also live like animals, will sink into animal impulses, animal passions. AND IN MANY THINGS THAT NEED NOT BE FURTHER CHARACTERIZED HERE, MANY THINGS THAT IN THE GREAT CITIES COME TO EXPRESSION IN ORGIES OF DISSOLUTE SENSUALITY, WE CAN ALREADY PERCEIVE THE LURID, HELLISH GLARE OF THE SPIRITS WE CALL THE ASURAS. [6] [7] [8]
A Hint of Satan's Fake Apocalypse?
Intriguingly, Boardman also indicates that we live in time which "prefigures" the true Apocalypse, which is thousands of years in the future:
"Rudolf Steiner also shows that the events of the Apocalypse of St. John refer not exclusively to the present time, as many believe, but rather, to the last period of the seven great stages of earth evolution, which lies far in the future. However, there is a sense in which our own time is a kind of prefiguring of that distant epoch. A resonance of that time occurs, when humanity is faced with the choice between the two-horned beast and the Lamb." [10]
I suspect that this "prefiguring" corresponds to what I have called "Satan's fake apocalypse." Boardman's article even states that Ahriman's incarnation is "imminent."
Additional Characteristics of Black Magic
The following are excerpts from Inner Impulses of Evolution by Rudolf Steiner which in my opinion would help most people to understand the true nature of black magic, and to recognize its influences around them. Some of the following overlaps with the material in my "Deep Background" section, but it pertains more to the goals and activities of black magic rather than its historical metamorphosis. In them, Steiner refers to the Mexican Mysteries which were formed by a group of former Atlanteans:
When the Atlantean spoke of his "Great Spirit," he expressed it, as we have seen, in a word that sounded something like the word "Tao," which is still preserved in China. AN AHRIMANIC, CARICATURED COUNTERPART APPEARED IN THE WEST AS OPPONENT OF THE "GREAT SPIRIT TAO" BUT HE WAS STILL CONNECTED WITH HIM. He worked in such a way that he could only be made visible through atavistic, visionary perception but WHENEVER THEY DESIRED HIS PRESENCE, HE ALWAYS SHOWED HIMSELF TO THOSE PERSONS CONNECTED WITH THE WIDESPREAD MYSTERIES OF THIS CULT SO THEY COULD RECEIVE HIS INSTRUCTIONS AND COMMANDS. [This distinguishes black magician from the typical satanist, who, if part of an organized movement, is directed by black magicians, and not directly, at least consciously, from the spirit world.] THIS SPIRIT WAS CALLED BY A NAME THAT SOUNDED SOMETHING LIKE TAOTL. Taotl was thus AN AHRIMANIC DISTORTION OF THE "GREAT SPIRIT" a mighty being and one who DID NOT DESCEND TO PHYSICAL INCARNATION. A great many men were initiated into the mysteries of Taotl but the initiation was of a completely ahrimanic character. IT HAD A QUITE DEFINITE PURPOSE AND GOAL, WHICH WAS TO RIGIDIFY AND MECHANIZE ALL EARTHLY LIFE, INCLUDING THAT OF HUMANS, TO SUCH A DEGREE THAT A SPECIAL LUCIFERIC PLANET, WHICH HAS ALREADY BEEN REFERRED TO IN THESE STUDIES, COULD BE FOUNDED ABOVE EARTHLY LIFE. THE SOULS OF MEN COULD THEN BE DRAWN OUT TO IT, BY FORCE AND PRESSURE. [For example, to escape the possibility of having to hear Rap "music" ever again or drive our ego-mobiles through rush hour traffic.]
The goal they aimed to achieve was TO MAKE THE WHOLE EARTH A REALM OF DEATH, IN WHICH EVERYTHING POSSIBLE WOULD BE DONE TO KILL OUT INDEPENDENCE AND EVERY INNER IMPULSE OF THE SOUL. In the mysteries of Taotl the forces were to be acquired that would enable men to set up a completely mechanized earthly realm.
On a related note, Steiner, in The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman, indicates that Luciferic beings were the source of the ancient secret wisdom of the mysteries, but that because those who received it used it for good:
"In olden times the wisdom needed for the advancement of humanity could be obtained only from a luciferic source; hence the initiates [such as the seven Holy Rishis] were obliged to receive it from that source and at the same time to take it upon themselves the obligation not to yield to the aspirations of the luciferic beings." [12]
The Atlantean Connection
In my essay on the Eight Sphere, I go into greater detail on the nature of human consciousness during early and middle Atlantean times. This form of consciousness is similar to that which Lucifer wishes to evoke in us. The following excerpts from lectures by Steiner show that this has been the goal of Lucifer and Satan ever since their servants destroyed Atlantis, and that they've failed so far, which makes them almost as desperate as Alan Dreamspin (the Fed Chairman who disappeared just as it became impossible to hide the implosion of his vast financial bubbles, precisely as LaRouche predicted he would):
BUT IN THIS SAME EPOCH HUMAN BEINGS WILL HAVE TO BATTLE AGAINST ATTACKS OF THE LUCIFERIC AND AHRIMANIC POWERS THAT WILL BE STRONGER THAN THOSE LAUNCHED IN THE DAYS OF GREEK AND ROMAN CULTURE. Again in this later epoch the aim of the luciferic and ahrimanic powers is to alienate the souls of men from earthly life on the one hand, and on the other so to mechanize earthly life itself, TO MAKE ITS OUTER FORM SO ENTIRELY MECHANISTIC, THAT IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE EGO OF MAN TO LIVE IN THE SOCIAL ORDER OF THE EARTH. He would therefore take leave of it to enter a life apart from the earth upon a separate planet.
Lucifer and Ahriman wish, during the post-Atlantean period, TO INTERPOSE THE OLD ATLANTEAN CULTURE EVERYWHERE SO THAT THE FACULTIES IMPARTED BY THE PROGRESSIVE POWERS ARE RENDERED PRIMITIVE [i.e. reason "dumbed down" and free will frustrated] FOR THE FIFTH POST-ATLANTEAN EPOCH AND HUMAN BEINGS WILL DESIRE TO DEPART. The attempt, therefore, consisted in placing everything that developed into a service of a world beyond the earth, as I have indicated. Thus, from two sides, from that of Lucifer and that of Ahriman, the spirit reigning in ancient Atlantean life was to be revived in order that the impulses connected with that ancient life might enter into the evolution of the fifth post-Atlantean epoch.
In order to execute the ahrimanic part of this task, it was necessary for the priests of those ahrimanic Atlantean mysteries to acquire faculties possessing the highest degrees of control and mastery over all the forces of death in earthly working. These forces would have made the earth; together with physical man for the souls were to depart into a purely mechanistic realm, a great dead realm in which no ego could have a place.
These faculties would have had to be connected also with mastery of the mechanistic element in everything living, of the mechanistic elements in all life. FOR THIS REASON THESE MYSTERIES HAD TO BE INSTITUTED IN A TRULY DEVILISH FORM BECAUSE SUCH FORCES AS WOULD HAVE BEEN NEEDED FOR THE POWERFUL AIMS OF AHRIMAN CAN ONLY ARISE WHEN INITIATIONS OF A SPECIAL KIND ARE ATTAINED. Such were these initiations of the ahrimanic post-Atlantean era in America.
This cult was dedicated to the successor, the son of the Great Spirit, in the form he had assumed in America, and who was designated by a sound that approximates Taotl. TAOTL IS AN AHRIMANIC DISTORTION OF THE SUCCESSOR OF TAO. This being, Taotl did not appear in a physical body but only in an etheric form. His arts, which were essentially impulses for the mechanization of earthly culture and of all earthly life, were acquired through these initiations I have described to you.
Vitz-li-putz-li [an ally of Jehovah] fought against [the greatest-ever black magician] and as already said, this can only be discovered by occult means in the year 33 A.D. succeeded in causing this mightiest black magician to be crucified. Thus, in the other hemisphere of the earth, an event parallel to the Mystery of Golgotha took place, inasmuch as the greatest black magician of all was crucified by the action of Vitzliputzli who had appeared on the earth for this purpose. As a result, the power of these mysteries was thereby broken so far as the fourth post-Atlantean epoch was concerned. It was subsequently revived [in a weaker form]....
By these means the ahrimanic impulse was inculcated into the etheric nature of the Western world. As I have said, this impulse in the fourth epoch was broken as a result of the crucifixion of the great initiated black magician by the deed of Vitzliputzli. NEVERTHELESS, SO MUCH FORCE REMAINED THAT A FURTHER ATTACK COULD HAVE BEEN MADE UPON THE FIFTH EPOCH, HAVING AS ITS AIM SO TO MECHANIZE THE EARTH THAT THE RESULTING CULTURE WOULD NOT ONLY HAVE CULMINATED IN A MASS OF PURELY MECHANICAL CONTRIVANCES BUT WOULD HAVE MADE HUMAN BEINGS THEMSELVES INTO SUCH PURE HOMUNCULI [a sort of animal-man, or as the oligarchy likes to think of us, a talking animal] THAT THEIR EGOS WOULD HAVE DEPARTED.
Whereas on the one side the campaigns of Genghis Khan [which were facilitated by Venetian Intelligence] and his successors were to have executed as it were a divine justice, on the other side, THERE WAS PREPARED AN ATMOSPHERE OF WILD, AHRIMANIC, ELEMENTAL FORCES INTO WHICH THE EUROPEANS WERE TO ENTER [referring to the discovery of America]. In such matters complete cooperation takes place between Ahriman and Lucifer. [Read the lecture for further details on Khan's luciferic role.]
In the post-Atlantean era, Ahriman strives by direct means to institute a culture of MERE prosperity. This would mean pressing out the lemon [ego], the doing away with it! Egos would no longer be able to live IF PROSPERITY [crass materialism] WERE THE ONLY AIM PURSUED BY CULTURE. In short, prosperity and the good, prosperity and virtue are not concepts that can be substituted for one another. [In other words, materialism must not be an end in itself; it must serve to free us up for higher pursuits.]
Boardman describes in greater detail just how Lucifer's and Ahriman's pipe-dream would interfere with our evolution:
What is black magic ultimately? It is the effort to work against the plan of the good Gods for humanity and the Earth, to prevent the Earth from reuniting with the Sun, thus preventing the future respiritualisation of the Earth. BLACK MAGIC IS THEREFORE THE VERY INVERSE OF LOVE; it is the process of involution taken to an extreme of contraction in matter. One of its manifestations is a delight in causing physical pain and suffering.... [14]
The preceding shows that Lucifer and Ahriman are intricatedly working together for separate ends: an Earth without higher souls for Ahriman to rule, and a new realm (the Eighth Sphere) for the higher souls, where they would be completely immersed in fantasy and ruled by Lucifer. Ahriman's artificial apocalypse is actually just a step toward achieving this ultimate agenda, and understanding it will help you to see the influence of black magic in modern society.
[1] Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 3
[2] Terry Boardman, Aspects of the Occult Significance of the Year 1998 http://www.monju.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/OccSig1998.htm
[3] Rudolf Steiner, Evil, p 12
[4] ibid. p9
[5] Rudolf Steiner, The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers: Mephistopheles and Earthquakes
[6] [from notes added to lecture] The Asuras are retarded Beings of the Hierarchy of the Archai (Spirits of Personality). They are Beings who instead of furthering man's progress to independence, lure him into gross egoism [like Sorath]. In the negative sense they now bear the name originally pertaining to the entire Hierarchy.
[7] Rudolf Steiner, The Deed of Christ and the Opposing Spiritual Powers
[10] Terry Boardman, Aspects of the Occult Significance of the Year 1998 http://www.monju.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/OccSig1998.htm
[11] Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 3
[12] Rudolf Steiner, The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman, p 61
[13] Rudolf Steiner, Inner Impulses of Evolution, Lecture 5
[14] Terry Boardman, Aspects of the Occult Significance of the Year 1998 http://www.monju.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/OccSig1998.htm
REF: Steiner, Rudolf
1916-09-18 pm
The After Effects of the Atlantean Mysteries in America and Asia
Dornach, September 24, 1916
Inner Impulses of Evolution -V- Atlantean Impulses in the Mexican Mysteries. The Problem of Natural Urges and Impulses, The Problem of Death http://wn.rsarchive.org/Lectures/Places/Dornach/19160924p01.html
1916-09-25 pm
Ancient Cultural Impulses Spiritualized in Goethe. The Cosmic Knowledge of the Knights Templar
D'auters analystes plus ou moins anthroposophiques ont eut recourt aux descriptions de Steiner du Taotl pour expliquer ce qui se passe aujourd'hui autour du satanisme (qui se cache tout simplement derrière le matérialisme et le machiavélisme des élites)
8e sphère
magie noire
arrières-plans de la magie noire
Sorat: Démon solaire Bête à Deux Cornes (opposé de Michael)
ravages de l'ecztasy et de son cartel
possession par des êtres du stade planétaire de Jupiter
J'ai écrit ici en anglais à propos du Taotl et comment ça se relie au règne total de l'ordinateur à partir des USA.
Steiner parle du Taotl (ahrimanien) atlantéen et post-atlantéen
Bondarev parle de leur réactualisation asurique aujourd'hui depuis le temps des bolchéviques
ce site web regarde la situation actuelle à la lumière d'une compréhension anthroposophique de la magie noire (dont le Taotl): Guantanamo (Cuba = même région que le culte mexicain du Taotl) et gouv. américain permettant la torture, etc.
C'est pas pour rien que Trotsky s'est enfui au Mexique...
selon Bondarev:
In his autobiographical novel The Aquarium Victor Suvorov writes that within a system (we would say, of Soviet Initiation) one immediately dissociates oneself from anyone who gives free rein to their feelings. Suvorov is himself admitted into the 'inner circle' because, as he is told: You have a brain like an electronic machine ... that is not tuned-in. But you can be tuned-in. 'Tuning-in', as he describes it, is achieved with the help of exercises that can be found in occult textbooks, but they are carried out for the sake of an illusory development of 'I'-consciousness. It appears to make the 'I' unusually alert, self-assured, autonomous and strong, but at the same time programmed into the tone given from without, as though it could produce through its activity nothing but lies, destruction and death.
It is of crucial importance to note that in Suvorov's book the intellectual training of the 'students' takes place in a Scientific Research Institute for Electromagnetic Radiations. This brings us face to face with the complex theme of the psychotronic manipulation of consciousness. The pedagogical principle applied, says Suvorov, is that success is achieved only when every aspect of the training (of the memory, the muscles, the psyche, will-power, stamina) leads the human being to the limit of his possibilities.
Beyond this limit lie, in the one case, the mysteries of the light, the higher 'I' of man, and, in the other, the present-day mysteries of Taotl, the realm of instinct: you need the automatic reflex ..., in five years, you will have the appropriate reflexes, the students are told by the teachers. The initiand must, as a future agent of the Secret Police (GRU) be transformed into an animal-man through a heightening of the instincts.
Suvorov describes his first 'hierophant', Major Kraftsov, as follows: He is an animal. Small, bloodthirsty, extremely dangerous. He knows his goal, goes straight for it without turning back once. I know his guiding star. It is called power. When Kraftsov sits by the campfire, red shadows surge over the wilful face with its projecting cheekbones. A black, regular profile. Red shadows. No more. No blending of outlines. No compromises. In short - none other than the priest of the mysteries of Old Mexico. His will to power is metaphysical. He enslaves by occult means everyone who comes into his sphere of influence: he enslaves on earth so that the effect will continue into the world beyond. But 65% of the GPU and KGB agents who remain in the West, because they do not want to return, return nevertheless after a very short time with a self-denunciation. We shoot them - says another 'Aztec'. They know it - and come back all the same.
Of course, this inhuman education of spies and 'diversants'* described by Suvorov can be justified as a means of defending the country. {*Communist word for saboteur, troublemaker} But if this were the only consideration, the Soviet Union ought to have lasted longer than the Inca Empire. It should have existed to all eternity. But the Perestroika has shown that all social-political and ideological bogies were no more than a veil concealing the black-magical mystery. To ensnare as many people as possible and guide them on to its course was, for this mystery, an end in itself. Remember how cynically the 'black professors' in Klimov's Protocols speak about their ruling ideology. And even Suvorov's 'teacher' tells him quite frankly: You can betray whoever you wish, even the Soviet Fatherland, but not me, i.e. not the laws of the black mystery, not the astral connection of the teacher (who performs the same human sacrifices, through in a renewed form) with the pupil; that connection which forms, in the esoteric centre, the 'eternal Politburo', the basis for ahrimanic immortality. Here, politics and ideology are only secondary; here other tasks await you. Don't you find pleasure in torturing other people, Kraftsov asks Suvorov, or do you only hide it?
Over the course of years the methods of initiation in the 'Red Order' changed. Formerly the human sacrifices, fully in keeping with the old Taotl traditions, were chosen from their own ranks. How well they were prepared was shown by their behaviour before execution. Marshal Tukhachevsky, for instance, called out: 'Long live Stalin!'
In the course of time wider sections of the population were drawn upon for the purpose of ritual murders. In his novel Control Suvorov shatteringly describes how normal and everyday this all appeared to be at first sight. However, the initiation-ritual became very complicated. In a certain 'sanctuary' belonging to a special, inner power-centre and located in a former monastery a specially chosen brotherhood of Chekists* worked without interruption. {*Chekist - a member of the Soviet political police 1917-1922. The word is still in use today.} Their life was strict and ascetic. Strenuous intellectual work alternated with physical exercises and military training of the members - the 'monks' and 'nuns' - and also the torture of a group of prisoners held in the monastery expressly for this purpose, and periodically special commandos were required to carry out the executions. 'Neophyte' Nastya Streletskaya, a Judo-master and highly-skilled parachutist who, thanks to her truly devilish intuition, had succeeded in performing an invaluable service to the leader himself, the 'high priest' - she had uncovered a conspiracy against him - was taking part in one of these executions. Suddenly she was grabbed hold of by those she regarded as her comrades, she was brutally beaten and dragged to a mass grave. She heard a bullet shoot past her ear, and then lost consciousness. Later it turned out that this had merely been the procedure of a higher initiation. Her 'friend' and fellow-member Kholovanov, called the 'Dragon', consoled her: 'We were testing you in the real thing', he said. 'The result is promising ... You are fulfilling our expectations.'
This is the way the old procedure of 'cutting out the stomach' is carried out in modern conditions. It is preceded by a long preparation with the aim of loosening the connection between astral and physical body. For this reason today's mystery pupils of Taotl continuously practise the free fall - sometimes from the stratosphere, sometimes from close to the ground - in which the opening of the parachute is delayed.
Les drogues comme le LSD arrivent aussi à dissocier l'astral et le physique.
Demonic possession
Satan's Fake Apocalypse website:
"If, as the result of certain teachings having been imparted to him without the requisite caution [preparation] a man comes into contact with certain destructive beings behind the veil of nature [i.e. the "veil" is what we consider to be the material world], he will become one who VALUES NOTHING IN THE WORLD, and it will soon be apparent that he TAKES ACTUAL PLEASURE IN DESTRUCTION - which need not necessarily be destruction of external things. Many men to whom this has happened have shown that they TAKE PLEASURE IN TORMENTING AND OPPRESSING OTHER SOULS. These are the characteristics which come into evidence. But it can never be said that men who have such traits owing to their alliance with Ahrimanc [Satanic] elementary beings, are invariably egotistic. They need not, and usually are not, egotists. They act out of an urge quite different from that of egotism. THEY ACT OUT OF A LUST FOR DESTRUCTION, and they destroy without the slightest benefit accruing to themselves. The beings into whose sphere a man enters are essentially beings of destruction, and the tempt him, lure him, to destroy." [1]
The region of destructive spirits into which a man may come is disclosed most clearly of all if a soul is observed at the moment of passing through the gate of death. Then these spiritual beings swirl forward in their hosts; nor is this surprising, for they are the spirits of destruction. To work at the destruction of the physical organism is their regular function. [2]
The region of Scylla is that of the spirits who serve Ahriman. WE COME INTO THEIR SPHERE IF WE CULTIVATE, NOT EGOTISM, BUT THE WILL FOR DESTRUCTION. [3]
For example, there actually exists in the world an [occult] Order which leads men to knowledge of hese mysterious beings without any preparation. In all such men, instincts of destruction are aroused, so that this order is actually responsible for sending human beings with destructive instincts out into the world. [4]
"Jupiter-Man" Satanic Possession
In An Outline of Esoteric Science, Steiner describes a class of Satanic beings which he calls "Jupiter man," which will not reach their "human" stage of evolution until the next, or "Jupiter" incarnation of our solar system. These beings fell behind evolutionarily and had to dwell "on" Jupiter for a while until the Moon was withdrawn from Earth. Now, these beings dwell in Earth's subphysical realm and are controlled by Satan, they intermingle with the will-forces of our etheric body [the lowest level of our nonphysical being], and they watch for weak spots through which to penetrate into and seize control over our minds.
The following excerpts which characterize this class of beings are from a November, 1919 lecture by Steiner, which can be found in The Archangel Michael: His Mission and Ours [available through various on-line bookstores]. The passage from which these excerpts were drawn begins on page 167.
Something different is happening now. The subhuman beings WHOSE CHIEF CHARACTEISTIC IS AN IMPULSE SIMILAR TO OUR HUMAN WILL [an aspect of our etheric body] are now emerging from below as it were.... These are beings from the realm of Ahriman. p 169
It is a significant finding of spiritual-scientific research, one that needs to be taken very, very seriously, that we have entered the phase of Earth's evolution when those beings will assert themselves who, in the subsequent Jupiter phase of Earth's evolution, will have advanced to human form. p 167
These beings find vulnerable areas to attack in human beings WHEN THE LATTER YIELD TO UNBRIDLED INSTINCTS AND IMPULSES AND FAIL TO STRIVE TO UNDERSTAND THEM CLEARLY. p 174 (emphasis added)
These actually subhuman beings are powerful far beyond their own nature [due to Ahriman's influence].... Their effect is so compelling that those whom they ENSLAVE are unable, in their human weakness, to resist unless they strengthen themselves spiritually. p 170
People DO NOT NOTICE THESE BEINGS ENTERING THEIR SOULS, and even their bodily natures. Once within us, these beings attract to themselves all that has remained Luciferic [i.e. egotistical in the lower sense, and deceitful] and unpermeated by Christ in us. They can successfully seize hold of those elements. p 170 [emphasis added]
The preceding excerpt differentiates this mode of possession from the mode by which nature-spirits of destruction, or demons, take possession of a soul. Demons seize control by stimulating "sensuous urges," whereas these "Jupiter men," based on my understanding of Steiner's descriptions, seize control over the person's will and thinking more directly, and have a more purely Satanic influence without the intense demonic drive to torment, torture, injure or kill humans or animals directly, although the influence they have on society can be more devastating.
Once a person becomes possessed, they become excellent liars, because the beings which take possession act as conduits for Ahriman, who imparts extreme cleverness (not always apparent), lies and materialistic ideas. (Lucifer warps perception, allowing us to perceive falsely, but Ahriman feeds lies and materialistic ideas to us.) This much is shared with demonic possession.
Not everybody is at risk of being possessed by this class of beings. The following excerpts, which are also from The Archangel Michael, describe the mentality of those who are at risk. There is additional detail in the book.
"The whole way these men [German Generals Tirpitz and Ludendorff] think is exactly the same as the way Caesar thought." [p171] "What matters is that neither carries the true Christian impulse in his heart and soul." [p172 - the Christ impulse is independent of a person's outward religion]
"It is a particularly frightening problem. Spiritual-scientific research reveals that the darkened consciousness of these individuals was like an open door: the will-beings ["Jupiter men"] TOOK POSSESSION OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS of these individuals by means of their dimmed awareness ..., ACTING THROUGH IT out of their own consciousness." p 169 [emphasis added]
By "darkened consciousness," I assume that Steiner was referring to a state of consciousness produced by putting someone who had not absorbed much of the Christ Impulse into a position of making decisions which affect many people. He cited the example of General Ludendorff making a decision, after his troops had taken the town of Liege during WWI, which caused his state of mind to change to that of Caesar, "a darkened consciousness that opens the door for the Ahrimanic world to enter [p 172]." I surmise that Ludendorff yielded to the luciferic influence which contributes to egotism, since that was Caesar's most prominent characteristic.
One reason why those who have absorbed a significant amount of the Christ Impulse are protected from this form of possession is that the Christ Impulse occupies the central region of the soul, corresponding to the heart, and it shields the upper, conscious region of the soul from the influence of the Jupiter beings which approach from below:
"[W]hen the Christ-Impulse takes hold of the middle level of consciousness ... the Ahrimanic forces cannot get through this middle stratum, cannot ... drag down the powers of the intellect. Everything depends on this." Rudolf Steiner, The Archangel Michael, p 173
In order to shed more light on the process of becoming possessed, and on how Lucifer and Ahriman work together, I include a few quotations from Evil, a collection of lectures by Steiner [available through various on-line bookstores]:
"Ever since the Lemurian epoch ... [luciferic] forces made our inner life the focal point of their attack, by infiltrating our desires, impulses, and passions. There were two consequences of this: we were able to become free ... [from] the sway of divine, spiritual beings.... But ... we also had to accept our potential for evil arising through our passions, emotions and desires." p 100
Lucifer's influence was primarily one towards freedom, enabling [mankind] to overcome a passive submission to random external powers, allowing them ... a capacity for acting independently. p 103
But ... [Lucifer's] influence ... dragged them down ... [and] made their desires and actions, their whole being in fact of a lower nature than it would have been [otherwise]." p103
"How, then, does the luciferic influence act? It penetrates into the astral body and is thus able to work upon all three 'bodies' of the human being - astral, etheric and physical.... In the etheric it brings about IMPULSES OF FALSEHOOD AND LYING." P103, emphasis added
"[T]hrough Lucifer there arises selfishness in the astral body, lying and falsehood in the etheric body, and sickness and death in the physical body." p 104
"The ahrimanic influence is therefore a result of the luciferic: Lucifer takes possession of [i.e. penetrates and influences] us from within, and we are as a result susceptible to attack from without [by beings from Ahriman's subphysical realm]. p 100
To summarize: it is possible for those who have not absorbed the Christ-Impulse (one aspect of which is agapic love, and which is not exclusive to those who call themselves Christian) to become possessed without striving to do so. All that seems to be required to begin the process in such people is to yield to "unbridled instincts and impulses," by which I assume he was referring to the animal passions and the Luciferic impulses of egotism and falsehood.
"[A] person possessed by Ahriman ... wishes to have as many people under his thumb, and to rule over them - if he is clever enough - by using and manipulating their weaknesses." Rudolf Steiner, Evil, p 84